phyzzx PHYZZX macros are already loaded and are not \input again
1. INTRODUCTIONto 1em.2 2. BASICSto 1em.3 2.1 What is TEX ?to 1em.3 2.2 What Is PHYZZX?to 1em.7 3. STRUCTURING PREPRINTSto 1em.10 3.1 Chapters, Sections and Subsectionsto 1em.11 3.2 Other Subdivisions: Appendices and Acknowledgementsto 1em.19 3.3 Controlling the Way Chapters are Numberedto 1em.21 4. DISPLAYED EQUATIONS: NUMBERING AND NAMING THEMto 1em.23 4.1 A Simple Solution to Numbering Equationsto 1em.25 4.2 Naming Equations: A Powerful Toolto 1em.28 4.3 Other Macros For Naming Equationsto 1em.30 5. REFERENCES, FIGURE CAPTIONS AND TABLE
CAPTIONS: THEIR NAMING AND NUMBERING to 1em.33 5.1 References: Stuff Which Comes at the Backto 1em.33 5.2 Figures and Tablesto 1em.45 6. FOOTNOTES: THINGS WHICH COME AT THE BOTTOMto 1em.47 7. ITEMIZED LISTS: POINTS, ITEMS AND OTHER STUFFto 1em.49 7.1 Fixed Format Lists: Points, Subpoints, Subsubpointsto 1em.50 7.2 For Less Structure Consider Itemsto 1em.53 7.3 Having Your Cake and Eating It Too! – Making Your Own Points to 1em.54 8. MISCELLANEOUS STUFF ABOUT PAPERSto 1em.56 8.1 Page Numbersto 1em.56 8.2 Spacingto 1em.57 8.3 Commands Which Break Lines and Pagesto 1em.58 8.4 Some Remarks About Penaltiesto 1em.59 8.5 The Titlepageto 1em.59 9. MEMOSto 1em.66 10. TYPING LETTERS AUTOMATICALLYto 1em.71 10.1 Multiple Lettersto 1em.74 11. MISCELLANEOUS MACROS WHICH PHYZZX DEFINESto 1em.76 12. GOODBYEto 1em.78 12.1 Using Your MYPHYX Fileto 1em.78

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